生长突增 3 岁 – 发展过程中最重要的症状

Growth spurt 3 years

Congratulations, you’ve arrived at the 3-year growth spurt! If you thought the terrible twos were the peak of chaos, we have a surprise for you: the real fun is just beginning! Get ready for an even stronger “I do it myself!” phase, emotional roller coasters, and debates where the color of a sock becomes a … 阅读更多

生长突增 2 岁 – 你的孩子正在变化的迹象

Growth spurt 2 years

Congratulations! Your Baby Is Officially a Toddler! If you thought the previous growth spurts had already turned your daily routine upside down, buckle up—the two-year growth spurt takes chaos to a whole new level! 😊 Remember the 9-month growth spurt? Back then, your little explorer was just starting to crawl, pull up, and attempt to … 阅读更多

生长突增 9 个月 – 如何识别最重要的迹象?

Congratulations! 😊 Your baby is now 9 months old, and they are likely discovering something new every day. This period is full of exciting developmental milestones, but it also brings another growth spurt that can shake everything up! If you thought previous growth spurts were intense, brace yourself—this 9-month leap brings even bigger changes! 😅 … 阅读更多

生长突增 6 个月 – 这阶段最明显的症状

Increased appetite

Congratulations! You have been with your baby for half a year now, and you probably feel like you’re starting to understand their habits. The daily routine has become more predictable, the nights may be getting longer, and your baby is becoming more active during the day. If you recall the 5-month growth spurt, you already … 阅读更多

生长突增 5 个月 – 如何识别成长迹象?

Growth Spurt 5 Months - Baby plays with ball cover

Congratulations! 😊 You’ve been with your baby for five months now, and by this point, you might have started settling into the daily routine. It seemed like everything was falling into place—sleep was becoming more predictable (okay, there were still the occasional nighttime parties 😊), feeding was on schedule, and your baby was smiling at … 阅读更多

生长突增 4 个月 – 睡眠变化的症状

Growth Spurt 4 Months - child plays with a rattle

Congratulations! Your baby has been with you for four months now, and you probably feel like you’re starting to understand them. The days have become somewhat predictable, the nights might be a bit easier, and you may have even established a routine… but then comes the 4-month growth spurt, and everything changes! 😅 Your baby … 阅读更多

生长突增 3 个月 – 主要成长迹象

Congratulations! You’ve been with your baby for three months now, and by this point, you’ve probably started settling into a daily routine—or so you thought. And then, out of nowhere, another growth spurt hits, and everything turns upside down! 😊 If you remember, the 8-week growth spurt was the first sign that your baby was … 阅读更多

生长突增 8 周 – 最常见的症状及如何应对

8周生长突增 - 快乐宝宝

Congratulations! You’ve made it through the 3-week growth spurt, and you might have thought that things were finally settling down. Your baby was becoming more predictable, and maybe—just maybe—you even managed to enjoy a cup of coffee while it was still hot. Well, get ready, because another growth spurt is here, and it’s about to … 阅读更多

生长突增 3 周 – 你的宝宝正在成长的迹象

3周生长期迹象和症状 妈妈

Congratulations! You’ve survived the first few weeks with your baby! 😊 If you thought you were starting to figure things out—when they eat, when they sleep, and when they give you that “Why are you looking at me like that?” face—well, we’ve got news for you: the 3-week growth spurt is here, and it’s about … 阅读更多

阿拉伯女性名字 – 来自摩洛哥到海湾地区的现代和古代名字及发音

Arab women in beautiful clothing - pixikidzone.com

In the Arab world, a name is much more than just how someone is addressed – it’s a story that carries the wearer’s family, past, and even ancient traditions. Arabic female names hold a unique beauty and deep cultural significance, symbolizing tradition and identity. In this blog, we’ve gathered modern and ancient names from Morocco … 阅读更多


Arabic men - pixikidzone.com

In the Arab world, a name not only tells you how to address someone but often shares stories about the person’s family, history, or even ancient desert legends. Arabic male names carry deep cultural and religious meanings, reflecting the traditions of families or regions. In this blog, we’ve gathered modern and ancient names from Morocco … 阅读更多

實力媽媽們減少孩子屏幕時間的策略 – 讀者來信

The children are on the phone and watching TV - pixikidzone.com

In this blog, I won’t go into the negative effects of excessive screen time in detail, as I’ve already done that in another blog, and everyone knows it’s harmful, even those who have a guilty conscience about it, who otherwise handle this issue loosely. So, we parents are aware that we shouldn’t do this, but … 阅读更多


There are many monsters behind the boyvand he is afraid - pixikidzone.com

In today’s blog, we will talk about monsters that have nested everywhere. They are under the bed, in the closet, and sometimes even in the toilet! The attic and basement are also popular with them. Sometimes you can hear them walking through the small cracks in the walls. Sometimes their steps are fast, other times … 阅读更多

妈妈们应该为孩子做什么样的牺牲? 不应该做什么样的牺牲? 读者来信!

妈妈和女儿 - pixikidzone.com

Many people believe that motherhood equals self-sacrifice. We conducted a survey to prove that this is not necessarily the case. We asked our regular readers with young children all over the world what their opinion is on maternal self-sacrifice and the extent to which it should be practiced. Where can the balance be found? What … 阅读更多


小男孩对他的母亲发誓 - pixikidzone.com

Before we delve into the topic of children and swearing, it’s crucial to clarify what bad language is and why it can be significant in a person’s life. Bad language is as old as humanity. Even before humans could speak in words, we emitted various sounds when faced with unexpected, frightening, or surprising situations. Research … 阅读更多

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