The Little Boy Who Didn’t Like Bathing

The little boy doesn't want to take a bath

It was a summer evening, and Dani was rocking back and forth on his chair at the dinner table. The table was still cluttered with the remains of the recently devoured spaghetti with tomato sauce. Underneath, the family dog, Pamacs, was busy scavenging for the bits of cheese that had been carelessly dropped. “Dani, if … Читать далее

Научись здороваться по-китайски – Как сказать «привет» на китайском?

Chinese Word for Hello -

If you’ve ever searched for how to say “Hello” in Chinese, you’ve probably come across “Nǐ hǎo” (你好). It’s simple, sounds good, and everyone knows it – but is that really all there is? Not at all! “Hello” is just the beginning of the world of Chinese greetings, which is full of surprises. For example, … Читать далее

Apple logo - PixiKidZone

Какой язык вы хотите изучать?

Скоро будет

Скоро будет

Скоро будет

Скоро будет

Скоро будет

Скоро будет

Скоро будет

Скоро будет

Android logo - PixiKidZone

Какой язык вы хотите изучать?

Скоро будет

Скоро будет

Скоро будет

Скоро будет

Скоро будет

Скоро будет

Скоро будет

Скоро будет

Newsletter girl

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