Avec un enfant de 3 ans - Petit tyran, grand amour 😊

Enfant de 3 ans aux cheveux blonds et aux yeux bleus - pixikidzone.com

Our second child has also turned three! She’ll be 4 soon, but that’s why I can share what happened to us. In this article, I’ve gathered my own experiences, along with the stories of my family and friends, and of course the wisdom of the professional literature, to give you a comprehensive overview of the … Lire la suite

Attention, les Enfants Mordent ! Causes et Solutions de la Crèche à la Maternelle

Dog and a small child facing each other

Biting is a common behavior that affects almost all parents and caregivers at some point, particularly during the toddler and preschool years. It can stem from various reasons, and understanding these reasons is crucial for developing effective solutions. At this stage of a child’s development, biting can be a natural form of exploration, but it’s … Lire la suite

Crise de Colère-STOP! L'humour comme super-pouvoir : Une stratégie parentale contre les crises de colère

Tantrum girl

Tantrums are a common part of early childhood and can be a headache for any parent. Dealing with tantrums can be challenging, but there is a secret weapon that can help: humor. Humor can act as a superpower, helping to distract, de-escalate, and make tantrums easier to handle. JUST A HEADS UP! The success of … Lire la suite

Fun Language Learning at Home! How to Help Your Child Focus and Learn

eye contact mother and son

In this article, we present a unique method that can help parents effectively support their children’s language learning at home. This method focuses not only on developing language skills, but also on how to improve our children’s attention and behavior in a loving and supportive home environment. This approach can lead to positive changes not … Lire la suite

Apple logo - PixiKidZone

Quelle langue aimeriez-vous apprendre ?

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Android logo - PixiKidZone

Quelle langue aimeriez-vous apprendre ?

Bientôt disponible

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