Why Movement Matters in Kids’ Language Learning?

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In this blog post, we explore the importance of physical activity in childhood. How can physical activity influence learning processes, especially language learning? Together, let’s find out why regular physical activity is important from preschoolers to young learners.

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The Importance of Movement

To get a full picture of the underlying processes, we must inevitably talk about the effects of movement on the body and mind in general. There are three distinct parts to the answer.

Strengthening the brain and its functioning

Exercise stimulates blood circulation, so brain cells get more oxygen and nutrients, which helps them grow and develop. This improves cognitive abilities such as memory, concentration and critical thinking. Numerous studies have shown that children who regularly play sport tend to do better at school. But even if you can’t manage it, taking him out to the playground regularly, especially those close to nursery or school, where he can meet his friends informally, will not only improve his physical but also his social skills.

A calm and balanced child

At nursery school and especially at school, they are faced with more and more challenges and tasks, which can of course be stressful. Not only do we adults feel the pressure, our children do too. Regular exercise is a great way to reduce stress! It can be beneficial not only for the kids, but for us parents too. So, parents, it’s time to start exercising! 😊 It releases hormones that have a stress and tension relieving effect, less stress means better study results.

You know how important self-discipline and perseverance are in language learning, right?

It is certainly, if not the most important thing, then it is quite clear that children need a lot of perseverance to learn a language. And here again, it should be mentioned that it is not only for them, but also for us adults. So here’s another reason for you to get moving, dear reader! 😊 Exercise, and within that, regular exercise, not only improves self-discipline and stamina, but also has a positive impact on academic performance.

Linking movement and language learning in children

Imagine a dance class where children learn new words associated with movement. Or a playful language scavenger hunt where movement and language skills are needed to solve tasks. These activities are not only fun but also incredibly effective in language learning.

The link between movement and language learning is not just a theoretical concept. Many educational institutions are incorporating movement into their language teaching programmes, with spectacular results. Children enjoy learning more, are more motivated and more confident in using the language.

So if you want to support your child’s language development, don’t forget the power of movement! Ensure free play, sports and dance. Get actively involved in language learning, make the process playful and enjoyable.

Plus, combining movement and language learning doesn’t require expensive equipment or special training. It’s all about creativity and fun.

If you’re interested in specific movement activities that you can use in your language teaching, either as a parent or as a teacher, I’ve written an interesting article on this topic, which you can find here: Teach with movement! Fun Language Learning for Kids

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