Growth Spurt 4 Months – Signs That Sleep Changes Are Coming

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Congratulations! Your baby has been with you for four months now, and you probably feel like you’re starting to understand them. The days have become somewhat predictable, the nights might be a bit easier, and you may have even established a routine… but then comes the 4-month growth spurt, and everything changes! 😅

Your baby wakes up more frequently at night, cries more, struggles to fall back asleep, and seems to never be fully rested. If you thought you had finally figured out what works for your little one, now it’s time to rethink everything. This period marks one of the biggest turning points in your baby’s development—not just physically, but also in their sleep patterns.

But don’t worry, this is completely normal! In this blog, we’ll explain what’s happening with your baby during this phase, what signs to look out for, and how you can help them (and yourself) navigate this challenging but exciting period.

Growth Spurt 4 Months - happy mommy and baby

What Happens During the 4-Month Growth Spurt?

The 4-month mark is one of the biggest developmental milestones, as your baby’s physical, sensory, and mental growth accelerates all at once. Their brain shifts into turbo mode, their senses become sharper, and at the same time, their sleep patterns undergo a complete transformation.

Physical Growth

  • Your baby is growing faster, which means they might suddenly outgrow some of their clothes.
  • Their muscles are getting stronger, and they may begin to roll over, attempting to flip from tummy to back and vice versa.
  • They are becoming more active, moving more, and trying to gain control over their body.

Brain Development & Sensory Changes

  • Their brain processes their environment in a more complex way, making them more attentive to faces, sounds, and movements.
  • They start recognizing emotions and responding to them—smiling when they see you or crying when a stranger gets too close.
  • Their vision sharpens, allowing them to track objects and people more effectively.
Growth Spurt 4 Months - baby struggling to sleep

Sleep Pattern Changes – Welcome to Restless Nights!

  • This is the well-known 4-month sleep change that many parents worry about.
  • Your baby no longer sleeps as deeply as before, so they wake up more frequently.
  • Their sleep cycles become shorter, which means they might wake up at the end of each cycle.
  • Falling back asleep becomes harder because their brain is constantly processing new stimuli.

If you notice that your previously well-sleeping baby suddenly wakes up every 1-2 hours at night, struggles to fall back asleep, or only naps in short bursts during the day, don’t worry—it’s completely normal during this phase.

What Are the Signs of the 4-Month Growth Spurt?

  • Increased Hunger – Your baby wants to eat more frequently to meet the higher energy demands of their growing body.
  • Fussiness and Irritability – They may cry more, be harder to soothe, and crave more physical closeness.
  • Increased Attention Demand – They are more interested in their surroundings, but this can sometimes overstimulate them, leading to fussiness.
  • Sleep Disturbances – Falling asleep becomes more difficult, night wakings become more frequent, and daytime naps may become shorter.
  • New Movements & Social Development – Your baby may start rolling over, practicing movement coordination, and engaging more with you through smiles and babbling.

What Games and Activities Can Support Your Baby’s Development?

During the 4-month growth spurt, your baby’s senses are developing rapidly, and they are becoming increasingly curious about the world. This is a fantastic time to engage them with different toys and activities that support their growth!

Growth Spurt 4 Months - baby plays with mirror

1. Mirror Play
Babies love looking at faces, especially their own! A safe, unbreakable baby mirror helps them discover facial expressions and start experimenting with their own. The game develops self-awareness and strengthens visual focus, as well as the foundations of social interaction.

2. High-Contrast Books and Pictures
At this stage, your baby’s vision is sharpening, and black-and-white or brightly colored contrast patterns are especially fascinating. It develops hand-eye coordination as they try to touch the images and supports their visual development.

3. Rattles, Crinkly Toys, and Musical Plushies
Your baby’s hearing is rapidly developing, so different sounds are very interesting to them. Try rattles, crinkly toys, or plush animals that play soft music. These help develop hearing and attention skills and support understanding cause and effect (if they shake the rattle, it makes a sound).

4. Hand and Foot Toys
Your baby is gaining more control over their movements, so they will enjoy toys attached to their wrists or ankles (such as soft rattles or fabric ribbons). This strengthens muscle development and coordination while helping them understand that they can consciously move their hands and feet.

5. Movement-Boosting Activities
Now is a great time to place toys around them on a play mat to encourage rolling over. Try a play gym with hanging toys, or place interesting objects nearby to motivate movement. These activities strengthen muscles and support gross motor development, such as rolling and early crawling.

6. Talking, Rhymes, and Singing
At this stage, your baby is paying more attention to sounds and trying to mimic them. Simple rhymes and songs not only soothe them but also aid in language development. This supports their speech skills and strengthens the bond between parent and baby.

Growth Spurt 4 Months - child plays with a rattle

How Can You Help Your Baby (and Yourself) During This Period?

Feed on demand – If you feel that your baby is asking for food much more frequently, let them nurse or take formula as often as they need.
Create a calm sleep environment – Try using dim lighting in the evening and minimize noise. White noise can help improve sleep.
Establish a bedtime routine – If you haven’t already, now is a great time to start a soothing bedtime routine (bath time, soft music, a bedtime story, or humming a lullaby).
More physical contact – Your baby craves closeness during this phase, so using a baby carrier or rocking them can be very helpful.

Help them calm down – If they become overstimulated by too many new experiences, try creating a quieter environment with fewer distractions.
Patience and self-care – This is a challenging period! Ask for help from your partner or family members, try to rest whenever possible, and remember that this is just a temporary phase.

How Long Does the 4-Month Growth Spurt Last?

The growth spurt and sleep regression usually last a few days or up to 1-2 weeks. After this, your baby will adjust to their new developmental phase, and their sleep will gradually stabilize (at least until the next growth spurt! 😄).

Remember, this is a completely normal and necessary part of your baby’s development—even if it sometimes feels like you’ll never get a full night’s sleep again. 😅

Stay strong! In just a few weeks, your baby will become more balanced, and you’ll be proud of yourselves for making it through this phase. ❤️

Another growth spurt ahead!
The 5-month growth spurt is full of new discoveries and challenges. See what’s next:
Growth Spurt 5 Months – How to Recognize the Signs of This Phase

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