طفرة النمو في 9 أشهر – كيفية التعرف على العلامات الأكثر أهمية

Congratulations! 😊 Your baby is now 9 months old, and they are likely discovering something new every day. This period is full of exciting developmental milestones, but it also brings another growth spurt that can shake everything up! If you thought previous growth spurts were intense, brace yourself—this 9-month leap brings even bigger changes! 😅 … اقرأ المزيد

طفرة النمو في 6 أشهر – الأعراض الأكثر وضوحًا في هذه المرحلة

Increased appetite

Congratulations! You have been with your baby for half a year now, and you probably feel like you’re starting to understand their habits. The daily routine has become more predictable, the nights may be getting longer, and your baby is becoming more active during the day. If you recall the 5-month growth spurt, you already … اقرأ المزيد

شتائم بالروسي مع النطق – اشتم مثل روسي حقيقي

Swear words in russian

Imagine yourself on a cold Moscow morning, swaying on the metro, clutching a steaming cup of tea—a simple pleasure in the harsh Russian winter. Then, suddenly, the train jerks to a stop, and your tea takes flight, landing squarely on the fur coat of a stern-looking, mustachioed man. The air, already frozen, somehow gets even … اقرأ المزيد

كلمة الأم، الأب وجميع أفراد العائلة باللغة العربية مع النطق

Arabic Word for Mother - pixikidzone.com

Never try to figure out how two people are related in an Arab family unless you’re prepared to sit through a long, detailed genealogy lesson that somehow spans multiple generations and at least three cousins. A simple “uncle” or “cousin” is never enough—every answer comes with a brief history of the family tree, and by … اقرأ المزيد

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Which language would you like to learn?









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Which language would you like to learn?









Newsletter girl

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